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Writer's picture: Michele D Miller, MSHLPMichele D Miller, MSHLP

I pen this blog to help our followers understand the importance of researching information before you proceed to try something “new” “different” and downright “odd.” I write because, since the inauguration of AUSET-INTELLIGENT SOLUTIONS INNOVATIVE STRATEGIES, LLC zoom calls with Dr. Lane Rolling, many of you have asked the question, “Is IVERMECTIN a treatment or cure for COVI-19?” The answer is flat-out NO! It is not.

Ivermectin is a drug used mainly for livestock. It is used to help deworm animals. According to many credible news sources, this drug, Ivermectin, is flying off the shelves at feed stores, and pet stores across our country. In one story, a student pharmacist explains, “Ivermectin is not currently approved by the FDA to treat COVID, and taking a dosage meant for a large frame animal could be dangerous ( (Nexstar Media, Inc., 2021). Dangerous it has been.

First, the chemicalized version of Ivermectin that is meant for human consumption is currently being researched by the FDA. There could be a significant use for the drug in the treatment of COVID once the research and the clinical trials have been completed, however, this is yet to be determined. Right now, most consumption of Ivermectin is the formula designed for farm animals. This is of great concern in my community. Like you, I want my family to be safe and protected from COVID-19 and any other mutation of this virus that happens to mutate. Being protected means, you have created biosafety protocols for your home, work, and play.

As a community, we have learned over the last 1 ½, how to live an active life without indulging in disinformation and misinformation. By coming to our Tuesday night weekly events, our community is aware of the deception that comes from social media, and sometimes even mainstream media. When only have truths are shared, there is an opportunity to mislead, and confuse a viewing audience. I am of the belief that my community here at AUSET-ISIS is educated enough to not buy into the recent madness of purchasing the animal only Ivermectin to cure or protect oneself from COVID-19.

Because we want our community to thrive during this very public outbreak of COVID, we have offered our subject matter expertise on personal protection equipment. We have given our community the knowledge needed to make an informed decision on whether to be vaccinated or continue to practice biosafety protocols. We all know the current vaccines are not as effective against the latest variant of COVID-19. However, the study is showing having enough neutralizing antibodies from the vaccines can keep you from dying.

In this blog, I advocate for safety, not using Ivermectin as your source of truth for a cure or protection from COVID. Americans across the country are ingesting too much causing them to be poisoned which is leading to death. Taking the wrong dosage can also severely damage your liver and kidneys.




Nexstar Media, Inc. (2021, August 31). News

Channel 8. Retrieved from Some people are using livestock deworming drug to treat COVID-19:

Michele D. Miller - VP of Business Development/Healthcare Policy Advocate

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