Product Discussion Part II: Be a Savvy Consumer in a Market Environment Poised to Prey on Fears
Tue, Aug 17
Be Aware . . . The Discussion Continues . . .
Time & Location
Aug 17, 2021, 7:00 PM CDT
About the event
Zoom in Tuesday, August 17th at 7:00pm cst, as we continue part II of our Pandemic Products discussion!
We want you to be an aware and expert buyer, one who knows what is on the market - And even more so, want you to be a wise and technological savvy consumer who will not fall victim to poor Covid protection due to a fear driven society.
It is our goal to make sure you are as prepared as possible when navigating this new world! Thus, zoom in with questions and concerns, and zoom out with answers and a plan!
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680 039 5408