Back to the Basics: A New Year in Self-Care
Tue, Feb 01
. . . self-care, is the best care . . .

Time & Location
Feb 01, 2022, 7:00 PM CST
About the event
Zoom in on February 1st at 7:00pm cst, as we talk about best health practices and check-in with how we are taking care of ourselves both physically and mentally!
This pandemic has taken a toll on all of us. So-much-so that important Doctor appointments are forgotten or we forgo them, and healthy habits have been replaced with convenience, or a lot of the time, let go altogether.
With that said, we have to stay diligent, we have to stay focused, and we have to stay thriving - The only way to do that is to make sure we are strong within our mind, and bodies!
Thus join our community, join our journey through this new world, and let's strive to thrive!
Zoom in Here
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680 039 5408
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Meeting ID:
680 039 5408